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Parking Douche

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxMaTOsjFGE&feature=player_embedded# We have all had an issue with people parking illegally but there is an even bigger problem with this in Russia and so it was social media to the rescue. With a goal to shame those responsible, this campaign used the web and social media...

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Fiats graphic design flair

The Design Institute of Australia is proud to announce their endorsement of the 2013 Fiat Nationals. The event hosted by the Queensland FIAT car club – a Non for profit organisation, provides the opportunity to highlight the beautiful graphic designs that have accompanied the beautiful...

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Gamification in the future?

I recently did a 10 week Gamification course and right at the end of the course we discussed this video that shows an interesting and a little scary insight into how Games could be integrated into our lives in the future. We already have easy access...

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