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Global Digital Statistics 2014

http://www.slideshare.net/wearesocialsg/social-digital-mobile-around-the-world-january-2014 Here's the 2014 Global Digital Statistics, Stats & Facts SlideShare presentation from the guys at We Are Social. It features digital stats like: 2.5 Billion People are Online 1.8 Billions are on Social Networks Top Social Networks added 135 Million users in 2013 Facebook now has 1.184 Billion Users It may...

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Gamification in the future?

I recently did a 10 week Gamification course and right at the end of the course we discussed this video that shows an interesting and a little scary insight into how Games could be integrated into our lives in the future. We already have easy access...

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Putting the “FUN” back into theory

The Fun Theory (a Volkswagen Initiative) argues, “fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better”.  They held a competition for people who had fun ways of encouraging good behaviour.  For example: a ‘bottle bank arcade’ to encourage recycling, ‘piano stairs’ to encourage...

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Social Media… not just a fad.

Social network sites are growing popularity every day. Businesses can no longer ignore this social media trend. Instead, we should embrace these opportunities as affordable marketing tools for both online and offline businesses.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eUeL3n7fDs   Here are some important ways that social media can benefit your business: Create and...

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