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How Virgin can insult Kanye and Win

If any other Australian airline had told Kanye West to "Eat a bag of d!(& you douche") the criticism and public condemnation would have been swift and overpowering. But Virgin Australia are smelling of roses. That's the power of Brand. This week, a staff member at the...

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Avoiding Corporate Babble

Fast Company recently released a video providing an amusing  insight into different personalities you might encounter in the workplace (not to mention some great ways to antagonise colleagues). While the lineup included the Gossip, the Uber Introvert, and the Bambi, for us the stand out...

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Building brands with Archetypes

If you can build a story around your brand that you can tell at every touch point, your team, current customers and, importantly, future customers will have a clear idea as to what to expect from your product or service. Our strategic approach to brand development...

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