New heights in interactive ads: Range Rover’s Being Henry campaign
Interactive advertising has come a long way, there’s more interactive advertising being utilised by large corporations than ever before. I ran across this campaign from Range Rover which I thought was really fantastic.
Do you remember the choose your own adventure books from when you were at school? Making decisions that influenced the outcome of the story and the ultimate fate of the main characters was always exciting and loads of fun, regardless of how many times you’d read the same story. Now, think about this concept in digital form and you’ll understand the concept behind the new Range Rover Evoque campaign – Being Henry.
Range Rover have used this idea very cleverly, they have created a mircosite for the campaign which allows you to choose the adventure of the main character Henry. The campaign involves multiple videos that intertwine to create an overall experience for the user. In all there are 9 unique storylines with a possible 32 different endings. The choices you make with Henry (love, life, work, etc) lead you to your ultimate Range Rover Evoque which you are shown at the end of the video.
The microsite and this arm of the campaign supports the over-arching campaign for Range Rover Evoque.
Check out the trailer for the video below and you can go to the Mircosite via this LINK. I really recommend having a go of the interactive video, it really is a heap of fun and quite amazing what they have done with the interface and videos.
What Range Rover Evoque are you?
Yours in interactive advertising,