Benefits of social network integration for websites
Social network integration for your website is a great way to create a connected experience for your target market. Internet users have come to expect sharing functionalities on websites. Clicking a “like” button or a “share” button is easy and instant, allowing the user to share website content to their friends via social networking sites.
The Benefits for your Business
For business owners, social network integration is invaluable for your brand. When a user shares a website link to their social networking site (like Facebook or Twitter), this material is shared to their entire friends /or followers list, opening up potential for more traffic to your website. Statistics show the average Twitter and Facebook user has about 130 followers and friends respectively.
Peers prefer Peers
It’s been reported that audiences today trust the recommendations and brand feedback from their peers more than the company itself – despite companies now entering conversations online via social media. Therefore – like editorial over advertorial – a user sharing your website link to their social networks is highly valuable.
Links are highly shareable
To add further weight to why social network integration is important to your website, consider this: every 20 minutes, 1 million links are shared via Facebook.
So how to you add social media integration to your website?
There are loads of plugins you can source via Google. If you’ve some coding know-how, you can add these to your website. Alternatively, if you want a more strategic approach to your integration that compliments your digital marketing strategy, we’d recommend enlisting a professional agency.
Yours in social networking for business,