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Social media in emergencies

Social media in emergencies

Social Media is, by far, one of the most powerful tools on the web. It’s a fast paced way of getting news out to friends, family and the world.

In recent times, we have seen the world victim to a number of natural disasters and other emergencies which have been instantly relayed globally via social media networks. This led me to think about how I would use social media in emergencies.

I did some searching around the net and found this excellent infographic which portrays how social media is used in emergencies.

I find it astonishing that technology that was almost unheard of 10 years ago is now dominating not only our businesses but also our personal lives. For social media to become the vehicle it has, is truly amazing.

Check out the infographic below (courtesy of Credit Loan)

Yours in social media,


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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