iPad or PlayBook?
By now everyone has heard of Blackberry’s attempt to go up against Apple’s iPad, but what will make you sway towards buying one? Well, let’s compare a couple of things:
- The PlayBook is smaller in screen size than the iPad (7 inches up against 9.7 inches);
- PlayBook weights 400g to the iPad’s 700g; and
- iPad does not have a camera, yet the PlayBook has 2!
RIM (the company that gave us the worst excuse for a smartphone, BlackBerry), invited game maker Electronic Arts to help introduce the PlayBook at their launch, which shows that they may not only be targeting the business world.
I might have to wait and play with a PlayBook before I make my final decision, but the industry sure is filling up with tablets from all competitors… Dell has ‘Streak’, and Samsung plans to launch ‘Galaxy Tab’ next month. Sure is looking to be a crazy tablet world in the next 12 months.
What will you do?
Yours in tablets,