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iphone Tag

Barnacle. What a suck-up.

Wow, this I need to get, it's simple, affordable and very effective! This visually appealing single piece of moulded material sticks your iPhone to the windshield of your car or to your desk (or any slick surface) without the use of unsightly tape! Reference and more...

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The history of the iPhone

There's no doubt the iPhone altered the way we consume media. CNET UK created this video to show the history of the iPhone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98B7VI70AK0&hd=1 Your in iPhone history, Anya...

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Kindle Fire vs. iPad – Who will win?

Wow! It now really looks like the tablet wars are spicing up which is really exciting. Amazon will let loose the Kindle Fire their answer to the Apple iPad, in November this year.  Now what could be better on the Kindle Fire than on the iPad...

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