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Brio Talks: MiGoals (Now with added giveaway)

Brio Talks: MiGoals (Now with added giveaway)


Every year around this time or earlier I begin my search for “the perfect diary” for the new year. I’m one of those old-school kids that still prefers to have a paper diary to organise my life. Despite being a digital strategist Google Calendar just doesn’t cut it or beat writing an appointment in my diary. This week I was introduced to MiGoals, the brain child of Adam Jelic, and I instantly loved the simplicity of the diary design. What also had me gravitating towards hitting “Buy Now” for the MiGoals 2012 Diary was the ethos behind the brand.

How often do we start a year, a month or every day with goals in our mind that are never achieved? If we wrote them down and had them right in front of us each day would we take more action? Would we achieve them quicker and with greater conviction? For me personally – yes. Seeing goals written down is a constant reminder for me that brings them front of mind. It also serves as a soft reminder that perhaps I’ve not taken steps to achieve said goals. It keeps me accountable.

I wanted to know a little more about MiGoals and Adam so I sat down for this Q&A with him. Enjoy!

Brio Daily (BD): Where do you gather your inspiration?

Adam Jelic (AJ): I generally gather inspiration from day to day activities such as reading the newspaper, going on Facebook, reading books, listening to music and surfing the internet. These daily activities tend to cover a vast amount of different subjects which in return help me become more aware of what’s happening around me. In most cases I tend to write a few ideas a week in my note book as a result of the above daily activities.

BD: What are you or have you recently read?
AJ: Recently I read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and I am in the process of reading The 4-hour Workweek by Tim Ferris. Both books challenge you as a reader to look beyond the status quo of what success is and how and why some achieve it and some don’t. One of the things I am now implementing in my reading is I try to swap categories, so I am not just reading about the same thing, again this helps with getting the balance right and not simply focusing on business and personal development.

BD: What do you think an inspired life should look like?
AJ: In my eyes an inspired life is: someone who is aware of who they are, are driven by their passions, are grateful for what they have, maintain a balance in different aspects of their lives and are doers as opposed to talkers.

BD: What was the idea behind Mi Goals and what have been the biggest challenges launching the site?
AJ: The initial idea for Mi Goals began when, as a young 20-something professional, I found there was a lack of practical tools for goal setting that spoke the language of my generation. After several years of research and product development, our first product Mi Goals diary was created and launched in late 2010.

The belief and logic behind creating Mi Goals diary was to deliver a unique platform and visually appealing product through which one could record and track their daily activities, while measuring the success of their goals.

The biggest challenges in regards to launching the Mi Goals website has been getting it completed and launched on the scheduled date we set. Secondly the look and feel has been another challenge, initially throughout the early stages of design the website was much more content driven and lacked that visual presence. After some more research and feedback we shifted our focus to a more visual and design based website, I guess our real goal was to highlight the products as best we can.

BD: Lastly, how would you like to see Mi Goals develop?
AJ: I would like to see Mi Goals develop into an international market leading lifestyle brand. The exciting thing about Mi Goals is it has the opportunity to develop into so many different industries and markets because people have goals in all areas of their life. In the short term, our goal as a business is to continue to create visually appealing and functional stationery products that inspire and help individuals achieve their goals.  You may see the Mi Goals brand develop and introduce new ways to inspire and help individuals achieve their goals.


You can register to be a part of Team Mi Goals and participate in events



MiGoals have generously given Brio Daily two (2) MiGoals packs to giveaway to our readers. Each pack contains a 2012 diary and Notes Book.

To enter email lani@briogroup.com.au with ‘MiGoals’ in the subject and let us know: What is the biggest goal you want to achieve in 2012?

Winners will be drawn on Thursday November 4th.


You can purchase the MiGoals range via MiGoals | Notemaker or find a stockist in your local area.

Or why not keep up to date on the latest from MiGoals via Twitter | Facebook | MiGoals Blog

If you like Mi Goals you might also enjoy:

You can read more of Adam’s insights on PlanBig | Tips for sticking to New Year’s Resolutions (really this applies to any goals!)

Yours in old-school diaries,




Congratulations to Damon K and Sally B who are the winners of our MiGoals competition.

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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