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Twitter and the political campaign

Twitter and the political campaign

Twitter is quickly becoming the most talked about social network around; with celebrities, business entrepreneurs and politicians all getting in on the action.

The recent Queensland state election saw Premer Anna Bligh used this platform to voice her polices, updates and personal comments, to retain her position as Premier. The Premier took on a diplomatic use of the social medium, with more thankyous and hellos then slanders, Premier Bligh has taken on the same approach as some of the most popular twitters. I was interested to see that Premier Bligh has over 1,500 followers and will be keeping a close eye on how she makes use of this technology now that the election is over.

Global entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson (SirDick) has over 11,000 followers. SirDick uses this platform to speak openly to his fans about what he is currently doing, business decisions he is pondering, and thankyous to people who inspire and help him through his day. 

While twitter has gained much positive media exposure, prominent identities are falling victim to copycats who are stealing their identities and posting unauthorised comments. While these tweeters are fairly easily identifiable, it still raises much confusion and speculation.

Twitter is vastly becoming a global brand that is making daily headlines and infiltrating peoples minds and thoughts.

There is a place and purpose for twitter’s function in every business and as popularity grows, the number of tweeters on line will draw a massive appeal to this audience.

You can follow me on twitter; http://twitter.com/REDiDesign

Yours in design

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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