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Temporary Design

Temporary Design

The Museum of Brisbane has a temporary home at 157 Ann St in the ground floor of an office block.

I miss the charm of the old space, particularly the extravagant foyer of City

Hall, but the new home is simple and stylish and allows the museum to keep people interested until they can move it back to the refurbished City Hall.

On a recent trip to the city we looked in on the Prejudice & Pride Exhibition, a show to mark 20 years since decriminalization set free the gay & lesbian community.

It was in parts touching and informative, but very hard to make sense of the exhibition in a linear fashion, and I finished up feeling frustrated that the stories were fractured and the design of the space meant that I wandered around picking up bits of information but I could not make sense of the place.

The Elliot collection of glass photographic slides was fascinating, but limited by the size of the area, just a fragment is on show. You do get interactive fun to have by swiping bar codes on the slides against a reader that then puts the swiped slide up on a screen. Historically interesting, but also a glimpse at the design of the early 20th century. Not to be missed.

Yours in design


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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