How to never miss a deadline in 2011!
When you work in the advertising/design/digital world it’s a given that you’re going to have days where you have to juggle a lot of urgent projects and deadlines at once. Sometimes, you’ll have so many deadlines, you begin to feel like you’re a part of a circus act! If you’re not organised and don’t have your head together, you’re going to struggle trying to work out which urgent deadline is more important than that urgent deadline and you may miss a deadline altogether, which will spell catastrophe!.
So, just how does one get their head together and get themselves organised? If you’re a designer looking for inspiration to get your organisation into gear for 2011, look no further! I stumbled across a great article today by Brian Casel, a freelance web designer and entrepreneur. Titled How to never miss a deadline Brian happily shares his advice to other designers on how to tackle obstacles and tasks constructively without losing your mind (or fallin.
Of course, there are still going to be days where you will be so under the pump that you feel like you’re walking a tight-rope, but if you take Brian’s advice, these days will become much easier to work through and become more of a one-off rather than a daily occurrence – which is much better for your office karma and colleagues!