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Medical Practice Marketing – testing the idea of Minor Trauma Centres

Medical Practice Marketing – testing the idea of Minor Trauma Centres

Let us share with you a campaign we ran to test a Local Government idea that we called Minor Trauma Centres. The images in this post are how we presented the ideas to our client and the thinking behind those ideas. We wanted to share with you the thinking and planning that went in behind this Healthcare Marketing Campaign.

Read the case study and see the final artwork here


To develop a ‘behaviour changing’ campaign to educate the wider general public that they have choices when it comes to quality after hours medical care. Traditionally public hospitals have filled this service space, though public perception of the experience, valid or not, is one of necessity rather than preference. North Brisbane Medicare Local in Partnership with SmartClinics Chermside and the Family Practice Kallangur is now delivering a non-hospital choice via their Minor Trauma Centres. We believe as do you all, that public response will be positive once we can get the right strategic messages out in the market place and in front of the public delivered by a comprehensive multi-channel campaign.

Strategic Approach 

The idea of ‘urgent not being an emergency’ is a tangible one. It empowers the decision maker to consider “what is their immediate medical need” and based on that “who will provide the service”, now if it’s urgent, but not an emergency, we have a choice. Why risk the possibility of waiting for extended periods at a hospital ED when you can get quality care fast at one of our new Minor Trauma Centres. The choice seems simple to me, and with the right messages delivered with the right mix of media, so it will be so for the wider public. Convenience, backed by quality service trumps every time.

Our Brand – the mark of an Idea 

The concept of a network of Minor Trauma Centres needs its own identity. A clear and recognisable brand logo that can gain acceptance in the market as a high quality care ‘destination’ of choice.

The brand designs opposite we believe, delivers the above with clear communication in a dynamic and memorable way. The containment of the logo panel allows for easy integration into a broad range of communication and marketing collateral including signage and the web and acts as our ‘Heart Foundation Tick’ of approval for the approved service providers (Clinics).

The photographic approach that we are suggesting is very people centric and easily communicates the key messages.


Presenting the message 

We have developed a corporate yet inviting and approachable communications style which would roll across all markcomm tasks and touch points. The primary message is clearly presented as are the supportive benefits. This Campaign style is flexible enough to hero each Clinic as the viewers local MTC, while still carrying the wider partnership offer.

Good creative should be flexible

Print Ad extensions 

The flexibility of the style means additional creative thoughts can be executed efficiently while still being accountable to the overall look and feel, such as this more generic Ad far left where all MTC are given equal weight.

Banner Ads 

They say the text of a strong idea is to design a billboard, the same philosophy applies to Web Banners, both need to communicate a single-minded idea in a way that is visually anchored back to the rest of the campaign for greater cut-through and frequency of message.



Radio Ads 

Effective radio is about being engaging and interesting rather than simply putting the facts forward. Radio Ads are delivered within an entertainment space, so where possible, the Ad should do the same.

People remember more information delivered with a hint of humour than by any other method, it is in our nature to remember experiences and messages that make us feel something, good or bad.

Script one

We believe the conversational approach we have taken here allows the listener to learn about MTC as if they were sitting at an adjacent table.

They become a part of the setting and therefore the story.

Script two

Complimentary to the conversational approach is the believable ‘mother’ who is empowered to share something worthwhile and relevant to her and the listeners life as is our approach in the second script.


Find out your point of difference that will give you your marketing advantage.

We love working in the medical space as for us we have the chance to use our marketing skills to help those people and businesses that help many many people lead healthier and more fulfilled lives.

If you want to find out more about how we can help you define what you are really selling then get in touch. We work with people and businesses from all over the world and help them be seen and heard.

Contact either Belinda or David on +61 7 3368 3136 or via email with the subject: Medical Marketing to info@briogroup.com.au.

We also have a free online archetype test you can take to find out a starting point to market your Health Care business. http://www.briogroup.com.au/what-we-do/archetypes/

We look forward to hearing from you.

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author