What adults can learn from children
In this TED talk Adora Svitak, American child prodigy and published author reminds us of what we can learn as adults, from children. She reminds us that when we were children we had crazy ideas of doing and achieving anything we could imagine. Then as adults we look at these ideas as impossible or too hard to achieve, but aren’t some of the best ideas the ones that seem impossible. She reminds us to take the time to really look at some of those far out there, creative ideas and look at the possibility that they are achievable. To take the time to look at the possibilities through a child’s eyes, rather then as an adult. After all a you have to dream it first, before you can make it a reality.
There have been some truly inspiring children out there and Adora is one who inspired me to look at not only my ideas differently, but the ideas from children as well.
You can learn more about Adora and her thoughts by checking out her blog at www.adorasvitak.com/Blog.html
Yours in inspiration,