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The Ultimate Pleasure Hunt

The Ultimate Pleasure Hunt


While checking the latest news on ninemsn the other day an advert on the side caught my attention. The words ‘Pleasure Seeker’ and ‘Streets Magnum’ made me think “yummy, let’s check this out”. What I encountered was the latest global campaign for Magnum, an engaging online game that takes you on journey across the internet in search of the ‘ultimate pleasure’.

In this online game you control a girl with your keyboard, as she runs and jumps through a series of websites, interacting with them and the brands within. Highlights of this include her ‘gate crashing’ a fashion show on YouTube, grabbing a hang-glider from a ski resort to fly through the sky and driving off in a luxury Saab.

The creative is great and had me gasping out an audible ‘WOW’ or amazed laugh every now and again. I can only imagine the time and effort it would have taken all parties involved to collaborate with all the brands and build this fun interactive experience.

The interactivity then follows through with the ability to submit your score, share on Facebook and challenge your friends to beat your score. First round for me was a score of 2,411, ranking me 1,185. Maybe you can beat mine when you check it out at pleasurehunt.mymagnum.com.au

The end result is an effective, fun and inspiring campaign that will have people talking about and sharing their experience with people all over the world, just like me.

Yours in pleasure hunting,


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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