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The TaggedPDF Difference

The TaggedPDF Difference

We’ve been working pretty closely with our friends at TaggedPDF and they mentioned that, as accessibility experts, they were often asked three key questions:

  • What is a tagged PDF?
  • How is it different to a standard PDF?
  • Why do I need it?

Unless you’ve used a screen reader to access a PDF or the internet, you won’t understand the importance of tagging.

To answer these key questions and to help you see the difference between a tagged and untagged PDF, we’ve put together a short video to demonstrate the story each file tells.

This is just one page of an 88 page document Brio regularly prepares for Brisbane City Council that is tagged by TaggedPDF. You can imagine how time consuming and confusing it would be for the reader if they attempted to read the entire document through JAWS with an untagged PDF.

The tags provide a clear order and structure for all content while putting context behind imagery for the vision impaired, thus playing an integral part in website accessibility.

TaggedPDF aims to make the web be more accessible one PDF at a time, which is done by ensuring your uploaded PDF files comply to WCAG 2.0 requirements.

If you want to be seen and heard by more people, contact us today on 1300 255 733 or send an email to info@taggedpdf.com.au.

Brio Group About the author