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Telstra 4G Colour Wave

Telstra 4G Colour Wave


I recently had the privilege to hear Mark Collis, Director of Brand Creativity and Strategy from Telstra speak about their new 4G Campaign just released. Mark gave us an insight into Telstra’s measured approach to marketing and the importance of striking the right balance between new and old media.  For the 4G launch campaign Mark talked about the importance of understanding the social environment so established a ‘Facebook superusers’ group.

Mark showed us some of the raw footage of the colourful ‘stunt’ of a crowd taking off their coloured t-shirts which was followed by an action packed day of unexpected entertainment around Sydney including the biggest entertainers from the web including Dancing Matt, Rebecca Black and Evolution of Dance.  Key content from the launch day was then shared through an extensive social media network including a dedicated Telstra 4G microsite, Twitter, YouTube and Telstra Blender fan page on Facebook. The aim was to create compelling entertainment that people would communicate through their online channels.

All of this activity was balanced out with a TVC and press advertising.




Mark said if you have quality content you can put it on any platform, customers are looking for a story.  I think Telstra have delivered that with their new 4G launch.

Yours in advertising,


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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