Super Bowl 2011 commercials: 3 million reasons to watch!
It was Super Bowl Sunday yesterday in the USA. Now, I’ll be honest here … I have no idea about American Football. I have no idea what it is exactly that they’re playing on that field, nor do I have any idea which teams played in the final yesterday or which team won in the end … and don’t even ask me what the score was! But was I excited that it was Super Bowl Sunday? Yes, yes I was. Why? Cos Super Bowl Sunday is all about the commercials (oh, and the celebrity half-time stuff ups; but that’s another story)!
The Super Bowl final is a gem for fantastic TVCs. Brands like Pepsi, Volkswagen, Doritos and Snickers to name a few, put aside millions of dollars each year in their advertising budget to show their latest creative flair to millions of viewers. And at a price of $3 million per 30 second bracket, the half time show is full of 3 million reasons to watch!
I have done some scouting around this morning and have found a few of the ads from yesterday’s Super Bowl:
Pepsi have kept up their end of the bargain by producing a series of ads – 5 in total – that are funny and memorable (here’s the commercial that made me laugh the most!);
Volkswagen’s latest commercial has been dubbed one of the best of the bunch for this year – it’s very clever, funny and more importantly, different! Love it;
Doritos plays on the mind with this commerical. Got a few giggles from me;
and Snickers has brought back more old-school TV stars out of the woodwork (although, I do get the feeling that this translates much better to an American audience – but seeing as I was talking about Snickers, I thought I’d pop the ad up).
If you want to see more of the commercials, visit No doubt by the end of today more ads will be added to the gallery.
ETA: I just came across this link: lists 11 of the best Super Bowl 2011 commercials (and 6 of the worst!).