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So, what are you Tweeting about?

So, what are you Tweeting about?

If you’re a dedicated Twitter user, you’ll be well aware that a lot of Tweets posted are really, quite simply, a waste of cyber space. However, amongst the vast amounts of trivial Tweets dedicated to breakfast foods, celebrity worship, spam, Lady Gaga and the desire to out-wit one-another, there is also a serious side to Twitter where debate, intellectual conversation and the sharing of important and life changing information and news takes place.

When one topic – whether it’s about the latest world-wide disaster or Hollywood’s latest It-Girl – becomes popular amongst Twitter’s population of users, it becomes a “Trend”. And when you “Trend” on Twitter, that’s how you know you’ve either hit the big-time or made a mistake of epic proportions, and you have the world’s attention!

Twitter has recently revealed it’s Top 10 Trending Topics for 2010 and I, for one, was quite surprised and pleased to see that it wasn’t Justin Beiber who took the number one spot on this year’s Twitter Ladder. The number one Trending Topic for 2010 was actually BP’s disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. (Upon learning this fact my faith in human-kind has been resorted, slightly; Justin Beiber came in 8th on the overall list, afterall). So, without much further adieu, here’s the worldwide Top 10 list for 2010:

Twitter 2010: Overall Top Trends
1. Gulf Oil Spill
2. FIFA World Cup
3. Inception
4. Haiti Earthquake
5. Vuvuzela
6. Apple iPad
7. Google Android
8. Justin Bieber
9. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
10. Pulpo Paul

Twitter has also broken the Top Overall Trends list into a number of categories such as People, Sports, News Events and Technology. To view the category listings, click here..

So, what have you been Tweeting about this year?

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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