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Seven with another

Seven with another

Pecha Kucha was on again last night at the Brisbane Powerhouse. The name “Pecha Kucha” comes from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat” which reflects the idea behind the inspirational night – concise speakers who have 20 images x 20 seconds to present their ideas. The stand-out speakers for me were Jessica Huddart and Monique Kneepkens, two graphic designers who collaborated to come up with the idea of “Seven With Another.” They selected creatives who were well established in their own creative field and paired them off with each other, ensuring that the pairs were from highly contrasting creative backgrounds. For example, a graphic designer with a sound designer. The pairs were given the theme of Firsts and had to come up with an artwork that would form part of the Seven With Another exhibition.

Web developer, David Novakovic, was paired with illustrator, Steven Rhodes. Novakovic developed a program to monitor the world’s tweets for any mention of ‘firsts’. The two then collated the data and the most interesting firsts were illustrated by Rhodes.

Product designer, Neil Davidson, was paired with motion designer, Joyce Ho and they looked at the origins of the very first motion design, which came from a 5 stage goat illustration. They created candle holders with these images, so that the candle would flicker to create movement.

Photographer, Skeet Booth, and sculptor, Tony Powell, created a moving sculpture that tackled the question “Who came first, the chicken or the egg?”

See photos of the other artworks on the Seven With Another facebook page.

The next Seven with Another exhibition opens on 27 May 2011.

Yours in design,

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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