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Purity or Pubity?

Purity or Pubity?


I was sitting having a quiet drink in front of the fire one cold afternoon while on holidays recently and I was talking to my father in law who was drinking this Cascade Premium Light. Being a graphic designer and a stickler for good typography I was interested to see the treatment of type and how it interacted with the Tasmanian Tigers ear. Clearly I could read Genuine ‘Pubity’… have a look and let me know what you think?

Was this an intentional act by the designers or an oversight?  I can’t help but think that this was an oversight and now in production a costly item to change. Still some could argue that it is a memorable addition to the brand, something to joke about over a cold one!  I will let you be the judge!


Yours in Design


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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