Now here’s how to be creative applying for a job!
In France, Victor Petit in his pursuit of finding an internship at a communication agency took inspiration from an iPhone app that mimics mouth movements to the lyrics of a song by electronic duo CASSIUS. The idea being that you put the phone screen over your mouth so it looks like you are singing!!!
Not my kind of iPhone app personally but at least Victor put the concept into a practical real life use! Victor created a QR Code (which we have mentioned before on Brio Daily) that links through to a brief message spoken by Victor himself. The wow factor is that you place your phone screen over the printed CV that he sent to give you the full picture of his portrait and mouth actually speaking to you!
That would impress me! From a communications agency point of view he has demonstrated that he knows print design and also digital process by using video and new media. Wish I had that kind of technology when I was young and looking for a job!
Here are a couple videos for you to watch… The first is the full film clip of the CASSIUS song, the second is the process of viewing Victors CV.
enjoy… yours in digital media,