New Trends for 2009
There is so many new terms buzzing around at the moment, Twitter, Tweets, Social Media that is hard to keep up! You find yourself wondering what does this mean from a marketing perspective?
Well I thought it would be useful to have a look at the latest internet trends for 2009 so we can better understand wHere we are going and why there is the change in the first place.
Firstly here are some facts:
- Australia’s active online population was 11,725,000 (Source: May 2008, Nielsen NetRatingsNetView, Next Digital report)
- Average time spent online a month was 20 hours and 13 minutes
- Online advertising spend was $1,523.5 million for 12 months ending June 08, a 27% increase from previous year. (Source: IAB Online expenditure report)
- Online advertising spend for the 3Q 2008 (ended 30 Sep) was $451.25 million, an increase of $38.75 million (or 9.4%) from 2Q 2008 (ended 30 June), and is an increase of $103.5 million (or 29.8%) from 3Q 2007. (Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report – September 2008)
- Mobile: iPhone launches in Australia, Android open source mobile, Gphone released, mobile applications, mobile ads
- Google Street View in Australia
- World Youth Day – Pope SMS
- Web TV platform
- Popularity of social networks Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn
It is interesting to note that Mobile Web is expected to explode. Really if you think about it more and more people are getting iPhones and phones with built in GPS systems. You are out with the girls and you want to go somewhere for dinner, the built in GPS in your phone finds your location and you can then search the restaurants nearby, look at the menu’s and even read through the ratings from previous diners! Imagine when you can start to advertise in this space.. eg. show your mobile screen and you can get a discount or a value ad when you order. You can also do a funds transfer so if you are running a social night out for your client and you reach your bar tab in the first hour you can easily transfer more money using your phone to cover the bill!
- Australian Internet Usage Overtakes TV Viewing for the first time. (Source: Nielsen Online’s Internet & Technology Report March 2008)
- 19% of organisations that will spend more than 50% of their marketing budget on digital media in 2013 (from 4% in 2007)
- 51% of organisations who will spend between 25% and 50% of their marketing budget on digital media in 2013 (from 10% in 2007)
- Increase use due to general benefits of digital media
- Increase use due to strengths / capabilities / opportunities of digital media
- Increase use due to customers using digital more
- Increase use due to cost effectiveness
- Increase use due to accountability / measurability
- Increase use due to digital better at targeting consumers
Source: 2008 Australian Digital Marketing Trends Survey, Next Digital
- Allows marketers to offer more personalised customer experiences
- Consumers gain from more relevant advertising and content as they have been targeted based on their online footprint
- Ad networks track consumers that indicate interest in topics on one site and begin advertising to them about those topics on subsequent sites
- Expected to increase ten-fold over the next five years
(Source: eMarketer)
- There are not many under 35 year olds reading newspapers. (Source: Dr Axel BrunsCreative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology)
- ‘Citizen Journalism’ is the new catchphrase as more often than not is it a citizen who will break a story worldwide through social media sites such as ‘Twitter’.
When you think about it we often hear on TV networks ‘streaming directly from the states’ the latest episodes of say House. Networks need to get the latest episodes here quick or people are just going to go and download and watch them online. Imagine if that happened! No one would need to watch the episodes 6 months later and numbers would begin to drop. Then advertisers would stop to advertise and you know what would happen after that.
This new media really is exciting in 2009 and I can’t wait to experience more of it.
Yours in Design