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My top 5 TIPs on giving a great speech

My top 5 TIPs on giving a great speech

Here are my final 5 tips on how to make your speech fantastic.

TIP 1 – Avoid death by Powerpoint (ideally max of 8 slides – if you have to).

TIP 2 – Know how long you are speaking for and keep to that time. A good rule of thumb for knowing how long to make your presentation is to allow 150 words a minute.

TIP 3  – When addressing the audience don’t use open ended questions – such as “Do you know what I mean?”,  “Can you see my point?” as if some of your audience can’t see your point or don’t understand what you mean you have alienated them from your presentation.

TIP 4 – Structure your presentation as you would if you were simply having a chat with one person. e.g: ‘Thank you for coming…” or “I would like to help you…”  It keeps it real for your audience.

TIP 5 – Don’t drink anything milky or alcoholic a few hours before you speak. Drink room temperature water only. There is no such thing as Dutch Courage, you need to have all your wits about you before you speak. The adrenaline that runs through your body when you are nervous increases dramatically the effects of alchohol, so avoid it and you will be fine.

Most of all remember to breathe. If you are feeling nervous just before you are to go on, take long, slow, deep breaths. Imagine you are breathing into your hands that are cupping the bottom of your stomach. It really works.

Enjoy the process of giving a speech and the stories / information that you are delivering that will help people. Believe you can do it and you will. Good luck and let me know how you go.

Yours in Design


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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