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M&M’s – Eat the Hostage Commercial

M&M’s – Eat the Hostage Commercial

Who likes the M&M’s commercials? I think they are the just the cutest and funniest and the recent Hostages M&M’s commercial is no exception.
In the Nielsen Top 10 Recalled Ads of the Academy Awards, Feb. 27, 2011, The M&M’s Hostages commercial was in 1st Place. The M&M’s “Hostages” spot has also created the strongest brand association among Oscars viewers, according to Nielsen, which described the broadcast’s commercials.

M&M’s have kept their campaign consistent with previous commercials, but have taken a slightly different angle with the Hostages one. At first you can’t tell that this is an M&M’s commercial as it opens like a scene from an action movie, with police surrounding a store, weapons ready and a negotiator on the phone with the criminal inside. You still don’t know exactly what’s going on, and the criminal says that if his demands aren’t met, he’s going to eat one of the hostages. There is a male hostage named “Gary” sitting on the floor in front of the counter and then you see the red and yellow M&M’s sitting right beside him discussing who they think will be eaten first. Of course, they suspect “Gary”, the only human. M&M’s has done it again!

Those little guys are so cute that you wouldn’t want to eat them, would you?

Yours in M&M’s
Angie Rapisarda

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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