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Memories on my walls…

Memories on my walls…


I’ve always been a poster pilferer. I go to gigs and take them from the walls get them signed by the band then frame them. My Skunkhour poster from The Go tour is my pride and joy. My best friend recounts and experience of regret the time we saw Alex Lloyd at the Waterloo (in the days well before Amazing and before he doubled in size). We had argued tooth and nail to get a poster from a guy that swore he had his eye on it first only for the lovely Maree to leave this prized possession in the taxi on the way home!

And after seeing Skunkhour again the other night (fantastic, a joyous occasion, best gig ever! So good to see the guys back together again) and trying to get my hands on a poster (the venue stuck them on the inside of the glass – damn) made me really think about these valuable and if not valuable, definitely memorable and maybe sentimental prized possessions. Looking back through the history of rock concerts there’s a common thread with all the truly great posters… they are simple. Bold colours and shapes and more like a piece of art than something you flogged from a venue. They capture a feeling and a moment in time and you will forever be reminded of that as it hangs on your wall. Of course the ones that are truly treasured are the great concerts that changed your life, even if only for the two hours the band was on the stage. Some are both beautiful and capture a memory of a life changing night out. The Go is one of these.

Yours in design,

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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