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Making your website tick

Making your website tick

Having a website is great for business. In fact these days, it’s probably one of the most important things to have. But, it’s absolutely vital that your website is fast. Why? So your users will stay there and not get frustrated by waiting for your site to load.

What’s the process behind the speed of using a website? I’ll explain it in a nutshell. Even though you may think your website is small; and you may run it on say, WordPress, this still uses a database. Databases are used on the majority of websites these days and they may run PHP, ASP etc. It’s this server scripting that will run at the server, produce the HTML, and send it back to the browser. Got it?

But what makes a server fast? First of all, you need a reliable web hosting provider. Then you need to be able to optimise your database to run as fast as possible. After all, if your site is run on a database, then this is being queried every page load (therefore it needs to sharpen its act up to keep up!).

Smashing Magazine has provided a great article on how to speed up your database.

Yours in making your website fast enough for your user by creating an optimised database,

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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