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KPI time!

KPI time!

OK… so it is now officially the end of the working year and I was thinking the other day about a few things I have set for myself to have done by the yearly reviews next year in July.

One of my ‘KPI’s’ was to have an iPhone application submitted to the app store. Now I just remembered this and thought I better get cracking and get an idea together for an app that would be useful to people. In saying that, I have come up with my idea, and I will reveal once we are published in-store!

Something that I came across for the app I am creating, is that the user must have an internet connection to use it. Apple are very kind and have provided a class called ‘Reachability’. This class checks to make sure the user does have a connection and if not, then warns the user the app is not going to work until they manage to get one. Having no internet connection and not warning the user about it, is the (according to Apple) third most reason for an app to be rejected.

The ‘Reachability’ code can be found on the Apple Developer site

Now that I have got this under control… I know what i’ll be doing over my Xmas break!

Yours in iPhone development,

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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