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Kindle Fire vs. iPad – Who will win?

Kindle Fire vs. iPad – Who will win?

Wow! It now really looks like the tablet wars are spicing up which is really exciting. Amazon will let loose the Kindle Fire their answer to the Apple iPad, in November this year.

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 Now what could be better on the Kindle Fire than on the iPad I hear you asking? Well… From what I can see, not much.

It has a smaller screen, less memory, less battery life (and just these three are making me think it may not actually be worth getting one). I do admit though, I don’t have any tablet device right now, although I have been looking over the last few months, but cannot justify getting one until it has something that I will actually use on a day to day basis that I can’t really do with ALL my other Apple devices such as iPhone’s, MacBook Pro’s, AppleTV’s etc… and the list goes on.

BUT, in saying all this, when I first looked at the Kindle Fire, it actually got my interest purely because it was cheap, looks pretty good, and I can get pretty much everything on it I can on a iPad. The Kindle Fire also backs up everything on it to the Amazon cloud automatically via WiFi so you don’t loose all your data. No need to plug that baby in to a computer like every other Apple device 😉

Mashable writer Lance Ulanoff does not think it will be very successful though.

“Will it beat the Apple iPad? Unlikely”, Mr Ulanoff said.

And you know what? I tend to agree with him. Apple sold over 28 million iPads from April 2010 to June 2011.

Yours in tablets (once again),

Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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