Key Performance Indicators
Whether you are designing a logo or selling a website, you need KPI’s .
Key performance indicators (KPI’s) can be a great help in allowing you to measure all sorts of areas critical to business success. Here are some useful points that have worked for me
1. Set goals & objectives. Once you can identify key areas, for instance customer focus, staff, new design ideas or financial performance, you can sit down and set some goals around these success factors.
2. Draw up a table that lists all your KPI’s and make sure that all your team know what is expected of them to meet the relevant KPI’s
3. Make sure you regularly review and measure each KPI and ensure that your team is aware of the results.
A great resource to start you thinking is the KPI library, where you can look at the kind of things other people are coming up with as a measure of their business progress, and it is free!
Yours in design