Google’s new $1.9bn home in New York
With over 2000 employees, Google has decided to upgrade its office to one of the largest, most historic buildings in New York. The former Port Authority building has a helipad on the roof, and elevators that are big enough to fit 18-wheel semi-trucks.
The building was specifically chosen by Google, because it sits almost directly above the Hudson Street/Ninth Avenue fibre-optic cable highway. The fibre-optic cables travel in large bundles under the New York asphalt. The previous owners of the building knew that this would boost the value of the real-estate and decked out the building to have equipment set up in a ‘network-neutral’ meeting room, allowing tenants to connect with each other and the fibre-line. Because of this, the building has become an important telecom carrier hotel. Read more in this article.
Nice move Google! I hope the interior design will measure up to the Zurich office!
Yours in design,