get NAKED and get NOTICED
Well I bet that got your attention!
So does Carren Smith‘s presentations where she encourages you to “get naked and get noticed”… however literal you’d like to take it.
Carren’s story will just blow your mind! Everyone was captivated as she shared her life challenges to date which were more than a person should have in a lifetime!
She didn’t let it get the better of her and has turned her misfortunes around and has put her energy into helping others find their voice.
At this mornings breakfast event at AIM I only experienced a taster of what her 1-day Speaker Secrets Exposed workshop, 2-day The Art of Public Speaking seminar or her 3-day The Art of Public Speaking Master Class would provide.
One of the main lessons we took away today was:
N – Niche: Find out who your target audience is – who will be moved by your memorable & inspiring message?
A – Authentic: Be yourself – don’t fake it till you make it – be true to yourself.
K – Kick it to the curb: Write a list – what’s stopping you from getting up to tell your story?
E – Expression: Learn how to express your message with clarity & discover the intent and promise for your listener.
D – Desire: Your desire knows what’s best for you! What we resist persists!
Such a simple message to retain!
I look forward to learning more from Carren Smith!
Yours in public speaking,
Amber van Sloten