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Effective creative brainstorming

Effective creative brainstorming

Sitting down and collectively brainstorming for a campaign can generate some amazing results and be a lot of fun if the sessions are run well. Running brainstorming or idea generation sessions well will save time by keeping the ideas on track. They will produce a bigger haul of valuable ideas and build structured freedom and prevent sessions of destructive chaos. The question is, how can you define a creative process into a system that you can duplicate over and over?

I will share with you an idea management process, that when followed provides amazing results. The process is separated into four stages: Brief and Goal Formulation, Idea Generation, Idea Development and Selection, and Implementation.

Brief and Goal Formulation: Reduce all the information you have collected from the brief, client meetings, documentation and your own previous experience into a simple proposition: the GOAL. Formulating the goal in advance reduces what can seem to be a complex brief into a clear strategy (a single direction). e.g. How can we achieve xyz?

Idea Generation: At this stage the most important thing is for your imagination to run free and for the team to feel inspired and don’t impose any restrictions on them. The bigger the pile of ideas the better (aim for anything upto 300 raw ideas).

Idea Development and Selection: this is where the creativity is inserted, as now is the opportunity to turn ideas into stronger/better ideas. Go through the ideas that have been listed out and build on the good ones and throw out the weak ones. Refine the ideas down to three or four to take through to the fourth stage.

Implementation: Now it is over the art director/s to work up the concept to take it to the next level in the creative process.

I will outline more about this in my future blogs.

Yours in brainstorming,


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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