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Coolest World Map

Coolest World Map

This map was created by comic website Doghouse Diaries and highlights what each country leads the world in… very cool.

Australia has the most deadly animals, deadly shark attacks and highest rate of melanoma in the world… not so cool.

Coolest World Map

Here are some of the highlights:

Russia: Raspberries and nuclear warheads

Cameroon: Killer lakes

Mongolia: Velociraptor bones

US: Death by lawnmower

Mexico: Getting struck by lightning

South Africa: Ostriches

Finland: Coffee-drinking

Spain: Cocaine use

Canada: Maple syrup and asteroid impacts

New Zealand: Sheep and rugby

Malaysia: Caves

Greenland: Personal space

Ireland: Highest quality of life

Democratic Republic of Congo: Pygmy chimpanzees

Cambodia: Longest alphabet

India: Movies

South Pole: Emperor penguins

Sweden: Atheism

Japan: Robots

The map was based on articles from Wikipedia so may not be the most accurate, but it sure is amusing.

See full image here also featured on news.com.au

Tanya Heading About the author