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Coaches & trains

Coaches & trains

Trying to teach yourself to increase your skill levels can be confusing, and hard work, but paying an organisation to train you and your team can be expensive. Is it worth it?

I think the answer has to be yes.

One on one sessions with a coach, or working in small groups, with feedback from other participants, can be an energising way to hone your skills, be exposed to new ideas and ramp up enthusiasm for your particular niche.

Recent experiences with seminars and training days with MYOB have provided me with the latest updates to make sure we are compliant for taxes and payroll, but even better, I came away with more resources and reference material.

After a day spent at their Brisbane Training Centre, brushing up on reporting and analysis, I was given access to a MYOB-designed Business Fitness Review.  This excel based program is a useful tool for working on budgets, and getting some interesting ratios out of your Profit & Loss and Balance Sheets.

Whatever your skills, there is always more to know, and often someone interesting to learn it from, so get out there and find your teacher.


Yours in design





Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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