Can’t remember last night? The Lynx Stream mobile app lets you record it!
Let’s admit it. Some nights are best left forgotten after the third tequila shot. But, being the curious beings that we are, what if every night on the town could be remembered? The good bits, the bad bits … even the ugly bits! Lynx has just launched The Lynx Stream, a mobile phone app that records every status update, tweet, check in, photo or video that you and your mates post.
Initially launched in the UK market, and expected to enter USA, this mobile app creates a socialised experience for consumer and brand. It’s hot on the demographic, it’s as cheeky as the consumer wants to make it, and it’s sharable. The next day you can view your stream and edit out any questionable bits (because, some parts really are best forgotten!) and share it with your mates on social networks.
To see how The Lynx Stream works, check out the preview below:
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