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Browser happenings….

Browser happenings….


The world of web-browsers is an exciting domain of intrigue and drama.*

And I know you want your fill! Wait no longer as I divulge the some of the more juicy happenings with web browsers…

Microsoft continued their almost comical free-fall from relevance with Internet Explorer declared unsafe by governments in Europe, the U.S. and Australia.

Australian security companies that make a motza off cleaning up after Microsoft’s incompetence predictably defended their livelihood by sprouting industry cliches: ‘You don’t achieve security simply by switching. That’s security through obscurity…” hmmmmm not quite! There is a massive, gaping divide between the impoverished internet explorer and the innovative, industry-leading browsers in Firefox, Chrome, Safari + Opera.

In other browser news, Firefox and Google Chrome continue to borrow ideas off each other. Mozilla Firefox released their latest version, 3.6, with one new feature being the ability to skin your browser, ala Google Chrome while Google Chrome has released its latest version, 4.0, with more support for extensions, ala Mozilla Firefox!

Working within the browsers like the little warrior it is, javascript usage in today’s web environment has received another boost with the latest release of the ever-popular, accessible and standard-compliant-enabling javascript framework, jQuery (version 1.4).

Something probably happened with Opera too. I just don’t have time for the Norwegians and their creations at this point in my life.

* I am NOT a nerd.

Yours in design,


Belinda Vesey-Brown About the author
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