Brisbane PARK(ing) Day – 17/9/2010
Have you ever wanted to be a guerilla gardener and put some greenery back into your street? Well here’s your chance! Next Friday (September 17) is PARK(ing) Day in Brisbane. It has become a synchronised global event starting in 2005 to raise awareness about the lack of green spaces in San Francisco’s downtown.
I think this is such a great concept to bring back some colour and energy into our often grey concrete landscapes. Especially in the city. Basically what happens is you find a metered car park, pay your meter fee and setup your piece of green space, when the meter runs out you pack it up and leave it as you found it! You can use whatever materials you like— grass (real or fake), plants, whatever! The organisers also encourage you to include furniture in your installation as it is a way to create interaction with the passers by! So if you see a space next Friday, go and use the space and come back and let us know about it!
Visit the website for more information on how you can participate. They have some great information including a comprehensive presentation about how to setup your park space!
Yours in sustainability,