Adobe CS5 is HERE!
Call me crazy, but I actually quite like Monday mornings. Here at Red-i Design, we get treated to half an hour of inspiration during our Monday Morning Meeting, whether it is through motivational speakers or examples of great art and design. Today, we had an extra special treat: a quick (but oh so amazing) tutorial on the wonderful new features in InDesign for CS5!
“The Adobe CS5 is a phenomenal release which enables you – our customers to create without boundaries while speeding the creative process from concept to execution.” (
And boy does it ever! It smashes down the boundaries and practically throws you on the Great South Pacific Express! From having varying page width for EACH page in the ONE spread (!!!), through to illustrator ease for adjusting image boxes. But imagine Flash capability in InDesign… now that would be really something special… Oops, looks like Adobe heard me! You can now animate a heading, create a slideshow of images and navigate through a spread using interactive buttons – basically using Flash elements in InDesign! Stamp your feet and cry hallelujah!
“But what about all that code?” I hear you say in frustration. Well, Adobe must have heard you too, because there is not one line of code in sight to produce any of these effects.
It seems that with most technologies diversifying so your pockets and handbags are bulging with gadgets, Adobe has just taken a giant leap to integrate its suite into one awe-inspiring, sexy-sleek application!
We can not wait to get our hands on this little puppy, be sure to grab the new version and test it out for yourself. Seems like it is definitely worth every cent!
Yours in design,