Aaron Koblin artfully visualises our humanity
American data & digital artist Aaron Koblin states that: the 19th century culture was defined by the novel; 20th century culture by cinema; and the culture of the 21st century will be defined by the interface.
In his captivating and visually spectacular TED talk, Koblin takes us on a journey of the changing relationships between humans and technology. Every single day movements like flight paths and mobile phone usage are tracked. Now enter Koblin who takes this relatively mundane data and interprets it artistically and visually to provide learnings of human nature, i.e. the rise of text messages over New Year’s Eve.
Another topic Koblin explores in his talk, is the art of collaboration via technology to build meaningful and multi-message art forms, like the Johnny Cash Project for the music clip, Aint No Grave. Contributors from across the globe created eight-second slides that formed part of a complete animation, forming a fan-fused tribute to the late star. It’s moving and beautiful … and can even be reconstructed to play according to genre!
And finally, saving the best for last, is The Wilderness Downtown project: an interactive, personalised short film featuring Arcade Fire’s We Used to Wait. Simply punch in your first address and go on a visual journey via clever Google Earth shots of your old neighbourhood. It’s nostalgia told in the most technologically forward way!
Koblin is using technology to comment on society, and inevitably for generations to come, history. It’s social, collaborative and accessible to the entire world, proving the power of technology and the internet. Whether used in art, social or business form, at Brio Group we’re forever seduced by the possibilies of where we can take technology. And Koblin’s work is an example of what is admirable and artistically beautiful at the same time.
Discover for yourself by viewing Aaron Koblin’s TED talk below.
Yours in art and technology,