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A Privileged State of Mind

A Privileged State of Mind

Brio is proud to be associated with Shirlaws, a team of international business coaches. Recently we asked them to interview a number of current and past clients to understand the good, the bad and the ugly of their relationship with Brio.

It was a scary experience but we’ll always take insight over insults.

Apart from the goodwill created by simply asking the clients for their opinions, the real power of the exercise came in the way the data was analysed. Shirlaws provided us with a summary of the comments taken as notes during the interviews and, as you’d expect, our immediate reaction was “I’d like to know why they said that!” (or something similar).

To avoid getting sucked into an endless conversation about the detail of what was said, Shirlaws started a process with us called 3-4-5. The idea is to synthesis the pages of text into a list of single words – and then refine those words to a single word. This word then creates the context for designing a plan to transform the business.

The theory behind Shirlaw’s 3-4-5 process is to move the client through from a thinking state (focused on the content) though a feeling state (what emotions does the content arouse in me) to a state of knowing (the single word that gives real clarity).

In this case, focusing on creating a list of words and not discussing the motives behind what our client’s said quite quickly moved us into a feeling space. As we whittled down the list by sorting these words into themes, the long list became much shorter, soon leaving us with a few raw truths. It took a bit of perseverance to produce the single word, but when the word emerged, the energy in the room was electric.

For Brio, our word is privileged.

Brio should feel privileged to serve their clients.

Brio’s clients would feel privileged to have Brio be their marketing team.

The Brio team should feel privileged to work for Brio and their clients.

The word has now become the anchor for our next conversation with Shirlaws, which is understanding why clients would feel privileged to work with Brio – and what Brio does/is in order to create that experience for clients. By knowing we should make you, our clients, feel privileged to be working with us, means we can take our service to a whole new level.

Shirlaws and Brio have always felt privileged working together and we’re pretty sure you’ll feel it too. If you’d like to see how they can help grow your business, contact Jacob Aldridge today.

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