They don’t make them like they used to…
I loved …Paul’s post last week of Back to the Future: a photograph concept. Photographer Irina Werning recreated old childhood photographs, with some very goofy results. This got me thinking – isn’t it great that we live in 2011?! The advertising strategies and fashion in the 70s and 80s is something quite unbelievable, but my goodness it’s fun to look back on them for a laugh! Here are some great advertisements from the 70s that will make you thankful it’s 2011. Some of the copywriting is just brilliant!
So if you’re flipping through a magazine and see a particular ad that defines today, keep it somewhere safe. Who knows, we could look back in 40 years time and have a good laugh at those flip phones, big cars or bright clothes and wonder what on earth we were thinking!
Yours in loving the present,