14 updates to Facebook Pages & how this will benefit businesses
Social media for business helps businesses connect with their customers. And now Facebook has announced some exciting new design and functionality changes to Facebook Pages. The changes are intended to improve the customer’s ability to connect with a business. You’ll notice the changes allow a business’s Facebook Page to look very similar to an individual’s personal Facebook page. Customers can easier navigate business’s pages now, plus there are loads of other advantages.
Involver has published a great post outlining the new changes:
1-Photo strip above the Wall (with the most recent photos you posted or tagged) TIP: To optimize your photos size them to 96x67px in order to fit in the space provided and plan for them to be in random order.
2-Tabs move over to the left panel, in the form of a list (maximum of 6 above the fold)
3-Profile picture reduced from 200 x 600 pixels to 180 x 540
4-Blurb box that was below the Page picture moved to info tab
5-Pages can Like other Pages, not just favorite them
6-Featured Pages and Admins
7-Page category
8-Choice for Wall posts between “Everyone” and Page posts only
9-Mutual Friends and Interests section
10-Ability to interact on Facebook as your Page
11-Ability for admins to post and comment around the site under their Page’s alias
12-News feed of updates from Liked Pages
13-Pages can now feature iFrame tab applications
14-Email notifications when users post or comment
To read the full story, visit the Involver blog.
Businesses can preview these changes now. These advancements will come into full effect in about four weeks (mid March 2011).
Yours in social media news,