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Take your advertising to your customers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJVoYsBym88   Creative thinking needs to be the driving force behind advertising in today's market. I believe there is a growing trend especially with online advertising to go to where your customers are and engage with them there,  instead of trying to bring your customers to you. This...

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Star trails light up the night sky

  You may think photography is easy, but think again or better yet ask Lincoln Harrison about the hours and adventure spent creating these spectacular photographs. These beautiful swirls of star trails charting the sky are the product of hour after hour of painstaking night-time shooting...

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Spare Ticket announced as AMI National Finalist

Ok shameless plug warning! We're super excited to see our client Spare Ticket announced as a National Finalist for the Australian Marketing Institute's Awards for Marketing Excellence in the 'New Brand' category. We're up against some 'stiff' competition: Warnie's underwear brand Spinners; Simplot's Quorn and Queensland winner...

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